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Saturday, January 14th
- Made some new code for the robot
- Got the autonomous code to drive straight
- Can now control the robot
Game field:
- Continued building end cone ramp
- Worked on middle cone ramps and box
- Completed 14 hair ties/scrunchies for 4th grade exploration day
- Worked on catapult mechanism
- Worked on a prototype cone and cube intake with a dropping mechanism
- The rubber claw idea has been left behind
Friday, January 13th
- Finished editing the kickoff video
- Calendar updates
- Took more pictures and videos
- Started working on week 2 video
- Finished the kickoff video (found below)
Game Field:
- Cleaning and moving woodshop stuff around
- Working on extendo arm prototype
- Working on roller based intake
- Gear box is in development
- Successfully dropped the cones with human assistance and without human assistance (found below)
Thursday, January 12th
- Finished making the calendar
- Took more pictures and video
Game Field:
- Finished organizing instruction paper
- Cut several more pieces of wood
- Preparing to build the other parts of the charging station for the cone pieces
- Even more prototyping for the intake
- Tested some designs
- The main focus right now is working with the cones
- Cut wood for claw, with the idea of using a rubber material for grip
Wednesday, January 11th
Game Field:
- Finished vertical and horizontal cone ramps
- Started to construct the diagonal beam
- Made and added the poles for cone pieces
- Discussed and designed 2 prototypes for the cone piece intake
Tuesday, January 10th
Game Field:
- Worked on the charging station, as well as added pivot mounts
- Built more cube shelfs, mapped and discussed dimensions as well as general preparation
- Labeling and organizing for game field
- Started to build the cone ramp
- Brainstorming ideas for picking up pieces
- Deciding on an arm idea of picking up pieces from the top
- Strategizing tactics for arm use
- Working on a way to pick up and hold the cube piece